How ATSI is the Best Educational ERP Software for your Institution!

School is the place which ensures all round development of the students, including academics, curricular activities, healthy competitions, debates and more. To keep every process of educational institution organized, School Management ERP Software has been widely opted by them in order to maintain and manage student information efficiently, while keeping parents in loop for every information. ATSI is an Education ERP Software that is cost-efficient, practical, convenient, and the easiest mode of communication deployed in educational institution.

Deploying Educational ERP Software is an amazing feature for institutions as it lets them define categories in a systematic manner. To make the functionalities of an Online School Automation Software in an organized way, many modules are categorized in ATSI that addresses the features module wise. ATSI is designed to be an interactive platform that provides login facility to all stakeholders of institution like students, teachers, parents and admin.

ATSI has defined many different modules of software that are incorporated for smooth functionalities of schools. One important module is discussed below:

Fee Management Software
The long time practiced method of fee collection is a pen and paper method, in which one-person is full-time employed for depositing fee and giving back receipt as a proof. But this method has many chances of errors and a tiresome job as well. But it is one of the unavoidable tasks for any institution. At this time, Fee Management Software comes to the rescue and keeps an account of the fee deposited and fee due for each student. The module includes calculation of pending fees, previous fee payment details, deductions and concession, if any.

Fee Payment Kiosk
To address the concern of long waiting lines, Fee Payment Kiosk are deployed at the institution’s premises that will help in minimizing the crowd by letting parents pay for the fees their own. The Fee Payment Kiosk is integrated with multiple modes of payments and parents can choose whichever payment mode suits them well.
Prominent features of Fee Management System:

·         Provides fees collection data quickly.
·         Provides fees collected for a Specific School.
·         Provides fees collection for specific date range.
·         Details of different modes of payment
·         Offers complete summary of students including pending fees and collected amount.
·         Facilitates generation of different kinds of reports
·         Provides month wise outstanding fee details.
·         Provides daily fee collection particulars.
·         Student wise outstanding fee particulars.
·         Online and Offline Fee collection

These many features make ATSI the Best School Management Software.  


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    School Management Software

  2. Great Post Thanks ....

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  3. Wefivesoft LLC is the first ever best school ERP software in India integrated with all the required modules of an Education institute, in one application, that too, with the most User friendly interface. Wefivesoft LLC help administrators of schools, college and institutes to increase their productivity and reduce the time and effort required to manage academic institutes.


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