How Attendance Management System benefits Educational Institutions?

There were times when teachers were using pen and paper method to mark the attendance. At the end of the month and year, calculating the total number of days, students attended the classes and the attendance per cent becomes a tedious task. Also, the chances of errors were probable in this method. A better alternative to this is Attendance Management System Software that has replaced the need of any pen and paper and provided different means of marking attendance.

There are various ways to mark the attendance i.e., through Biometric and RFID. Educational institutions are free to opt for any medium of School Attendance Management System that suits their requirements.

ATSI offers three different ways to record the attendance:
·         Day Wise Attendance
·         Class Wise Attendance
·         Subject Wise Attendance

Day Wise Attendance: Day wise attendance is marked once in a day and is considered that the student is present for the entire day and in all the classes. It is usually done in the morning when the class starts.

Class Wise Attendance: Class wise attendance marks the attendance of students for every class i.e., at the beginning of every class the attendance is marked which helps in finding out if all the students are attending the classes or no. There are students who bunk those classes which they find boring and such students can be tracked well by class wise attendance.

Subject Wise Attendance: This category of attendance talks about subject wise attendance in which teachers will mark the attendance of students attending their classes. This subject wise attendance will also help in finding out the interest of students.

Through ATSI, school authorities can share the attendance sheet with parents and make them aware about their wards’ attendance. Not only attendance, rather ATSI another attractive Time Table Management System that has automatic timetable generator in which one can check Class Wise Timetable, school time table for teachers, class wise school time table, and teacher wise time table


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