Library Management System: An Integral Part of Education System!

Library is the need of every educational institution and it is expected to be well-organized in order to provide the facility which it intends to. Library is an asset for every educational institution that is the heart of every institution but limited resources has treated library as an afterthought at most of the places.

With the implementation of Library Management Software in the institutions, managing things have become easier than before. The books can be kept in an organized order and results will be displayed within fractions of seconds. Library Management System Software made the tasks of librarian easier by giving them complete access of the software. Maintaining the list of books and searching them manually is not an easy task as it involves lots of hard work in which chances of errors are probable.

To address these issues, A.T.S.I. Library Module has been developed and designed that allows access to the library wherein the user can view the availability of the books and also keep a check on the stock available.

The Online Library ManagementSystem has been created with the intention of making libraries more organized and also to make library stocking and accessing more simplified and structured. ATSI uses technology in terms of RFID tagging, online stock checking, procurement, check-in and check-out, fine management and the status of a book. It has become an essential tool for large libraries which have a huge number of books since stock checking and procurement is a lot simpler using the various technological options and a structured approach.


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