Manage tasks efficiently with Hostel management Software!

For the past few years, the number of educational institutions are growing rapidly and to make it a complete solution and manage everything on the premises, institutions have included hostels also. This has become a main point to consider for parents while choosing the best institutions for them. Though, the records are needed to be maintained throughout the year, it becomes very hectic especially during admission season.

Hostel Management Software has been developed and designed by XIPHIAS that offers many valuable features such as maintaining the list of hostels, number of students opted for hostels, availability of different kinds of rooms with their respective fees, food offered, verified documents and more. This software effectively manages the entire process of hostel allotment.

The software provides enough space to enter and maintain all the records of students in many different categories and gathers all the information related to students such as their personal details, address, room number, block number, and more. In the beginning, students have to fill up all the details in the form and soon after the verification of each detail, the room is allocated to them with their respective room numbers and fees, depending upon the dormitory, sharing or individual room.

Each institution and its hostels have unique requirements and Hostel Management Software has been designed accordingly to fit every institution requirements. In the software, many categories are offered which institutions can keep or even add more features, if they want. By following this way, keeping an organized record of all the students using hostel facility becomes effortless.    

Using the software reduces the involvement of staff and manual work and provides error free and on-time result. The Hostel Management Software keeps information categorized and takes care of every bit of information while maintaining the dignity of hostel.

Not only regarding maintaining the student’s information rather the software keeps an account of food offered to students day wise. This hostel management software consists of various modules and much flexibility has been given to admin of the institutions to add more categories, depending upon the institution’s requirements.

The RFID enabled card installed in the premises helps in maintaining the ‘In and Out’ Status of students. Not only this, rather this software provides opportunity to students to enter their feedback regarding any happening of hostel.  

This hostel management software is one of the key modules of ATSI (Any Time Student Information) which is an ERP based Education Solution to streamline and manage students’ information.


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