Timetable Management: A Key Module of School Management Software!

Undoubtedly, every educational institution relies upon a timetable which they create for each level prioritizing the options selected by students. Often, the school administrations have confessed that they become very confused while creating the timetable, mentioning each and every detail, taking approval from each teacher and again redoing for final touch. Well, this is a pain point not for one but most of the educational institutions across the globe. Duly noting this point, XIPHIAS has worked upon it and included Time Table Module in its Best School Management Software called Any Time Student Information (ATSI) that addresses each and every required feature while eliminating the pain of forwarding every faculty separately.

ATSI Timetable Module provides the access to admin to create and auto-generate the timetable for each level/award mentioning the duration of each class, and subjects with respective teachers. First, the admin maps the names of teachers with their respective 
subjects and classes (9th and 10th standard) they are responsible for. It also suggests in the absence of assigned teacher, which teacher will take the class and the software automatically pop up the names of teachers who have free period during that class and admin can select any. Not only this, rather a notification/alert is sent to the teacher who has to take the class in the absence of teacher. The software also generates Teacher wise Time Table in which teacher will get notified about the classes they are responsible for.

Once the timetable is generated, admin can forward it to concerned teachers for their approval. In the same sheet, admin can allow editing option to whichever faculty he wants. This way, admin can actually review the opinion/choice of faculties and again work on it. After finalizing the timetable, the same can be shared with every faculty to bring it into practice.

This timetable module has saved many hours of educational institutions and eases the burden of administration department. Do you wish to get it implemented in your institution, write us back so that we can coordinate and help in implementing the same.


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