How important is Data Security in School Management Software?

The security of data is always emphasized, no matter, when the world was dealing with lock and key or now with Blockchain Technology. In institutions, they have their own data of institutions, students, their parents and many more. Earlier, files locked in the cupboard were ensuring the safety but now with the availability of data on the cloud, raises a question of safety and security: How important is Data Security in School Management Software?

There are many crucial details a School Management Software has such as the details of the students, their address, their parents and the bank details through which they make the payment. The School Management Software has many such details which no one wants to share with others. These problems were already envisioned by the ATSI and it has implemented strong Data Security in is software which cannot be hacked.

Cloud based System
Using a cloud-based storage system in School Management Software makes the whole process of data storage and retrieval much easier and safer too. Information stored in the cloud at remote servers is more secure that localized computers due to its firewalls and security system.

ATSI uses the latest security technology to deliver the security services, including host and network security that addresses the governance, risk and compliance (GRC) with our advanced technology and get yourself free from the burden of compliance response.

Server Security
ATSI makes sure that the shared information are only accessible to the users who are authorized with us. Your information is secured with us 24x7 and is under complete and special care with all the special technologies that we have. We are very much concerned about our server security and that is why we have high security levels for both entrance as well as exit.

Data Backup
All data are backed up under high technology measures ensuring you that your data can be easily recovered in case there is any kind of disaster that might have taken place. We help you get all your data in the proper manner and keep it highly secured.

We do understand the importance of personal information shared by parents and ensure that every information is safe and secure with us.


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